We were still on the road when we awoke this morning. We were nearing Galeana where we were to pick up the trailer, leave the truck and repack the bus for our trip home. Before we reached Galeana, we stopped at an LP gas station to fill the tank as we had been unable to get gas the last stop because they weren't open when we arrived. We pulled into Galeana about 9:30 AM and planned to leave about 11:00. We pulled the trailer from Mary and Carlos' home to where we had parked the bus so that we could repack the bus and empty Carlos' truck. The trailer had been broken while we were gone so we took it apart and sent the broken piece to be welded while we kept working on the bus. We all went to Mary's home where we divided the gifts the villagers had given us.

Charles and Merle were trying to get the lights on the bus fixed so our departure was once again delayed. We had breakfast and we were once again on the road at 12:30 P.M. and this time we were headed for HOME. We traveled all day and into the evening. We ate dinner on the move again which was something we hadn't had to do in some time. We arrived in Nuevo Laredo which is the Mexican border town at 9:00 P.M. We purchased the pure vanilla and shopped in a small market until 9:30. Our stay in Mexico was nearly over and we were all feeling a little tense about the upcoming border crossing, remembering our experiences on the way into Mexico. About 20 miles back, we had crossed the secondary check point and had turned our visas in. The Mexican official allowed us to cross the border with no problems. This next stop was to have the American officials check our baggage and cargo in order to gain entrance to the U.S. We had to park around the back of the building in a narrow alley and thought we were going to have to unload all our baggage there. Much to our surprise and delight, the official changed his mind and just decided to check our birth certificates and let us go on our way. He did check the kitchen area for fruit etc. Also, Mary's husband, Carlos, had to go into the office and gain permission to leave Mexico on a visa as he was a Mexican citizen. After much deliberation over this matter, and a 45 minute delay, Carlos was granted his visa. We were all very thankful after what we had been through going into Mexico.

We decided we would get a bite to eat and a good night's sleep before continuing our journey. While we were shopping, Carlos had tried to contact the minister at the Baptist Mission in Laredo, Texas by telephone, but had no success. And then, out of nowhere, the minister himself emerged. He said the Lord had sent him there and he met us at a time of need. We made arrangements to sleep the night at the mission after our evening meal. We pulled into a McDonald's parking lot! I think we were all glad to see a place as familiar to us as this was and we eagerly went in to eat. Charles paid $3 per person out of the group funds for our meal. We had a great time and then headed for the Mission Church for a good night's sleep. Of course we got lost, but some men in a car led us to the Mission. We all unloaded our bed rolls and overnight bags and eagerly went into the Church. We washed up a little and went to bed.