Charles had wanted us to meet at the bus by 8:00 A.M. so we arose about 7:00 to get ready. We were to meet Dan and after a visit with him, we were to head for the pyramids. We ate breakfast and since Dan had not yet arrived, we went to his apartment just down the road. He was just getting ready to leave. He shared with us that he had gotten to bed rather late as he had been checking over papers from his students. He still had a few left to check over before his 11:00 A.M. class. He accompanied us to the bus and talked to us about the mission work that was going on here and answered questions posed to him by our group. We all walked over to the Baptist Seminary building with him and he told us of the work being done there. He then left us to get back to his work. Bill, Bob O, Bert and I walked over to a bank to get some pesos for the group to spend in gift shops at the pyramids. We headed for the pyramids at 9:30 A.M. arriving at 12:15. We decided we would have lunch before setting out on foot for the pyramids. We all agreed we should be back to the bus at 4:00 P.M. as that should be ample time to see the structures. I couldn't believe these monsters. Just knowing they had been erected without fancy tools, but totally by hand was a marvel.

When I set out from the museum up the "street of the dead," I didn't think it was that far away or that big. But the closer I got, the larger the pyramids became and the farther away they seemed. When I finally reached the Pyramid of the Sun, I was simply amazed. It was huge and it made me wonder if I could reach the top or not.

It was a long, steep climb, but I decided it was worth it when I reached the top. You could see for miles and miles in each direction. It was even more interesting to note the mountains were even higher yet. The whole site was just great!

I started back to the bus, stopping along the way to see the different ruins. Bert and I wanted to see the underground caves, but the guard would not take us in. We then headed back to the museum and gift shops as we noticed that the sky was getting very cloudy. About 3:30 it really started to rain and by 3:50 we were all on the bus and back on the road. We went back to Mexico City as the truck needed to gas up. We parked the bus along a very busy road as the truck refueled. We then headed north for Galeana. About an hour out of Mexico City, the bus lost its drive shaft and miraculously (one more time) there was a place to pull the bus over. We were happy to see a mechanics shop right where we pulled over and the mechanic cobbled up the pieces to get us on our way within two hours. The mechanic was a friend of the man who ran this shop and only lived about 1 km. away. He had just the right parts we needed even if they were a little used. We drove the rest of the night to get to Galeana as quickly as possible.