We got up around 7:00 this morning so we could get all of our belongings packed in the truck to take to the bus. Our mama had heated some water on the stove for us so we could wash up. I started to wash my hair and she jumped right in and helped. Then she rinsed my hair with nice warm water just as she had the other time. The others were not forgotten; she in turn washed and rinsed their hair. We loaded the truck with all our bags and cots and prepared to head in for breakfast. All of us had chipped in and bought a set of porcelain pots and pans for the family. Mama cried and so did we, realizing our visit had come to an end. We had all grown to love one another and good-byes didn't come very easy.

We went into the bus and unloaded our gear onto a tarp that Charles had set up for organization and reloading purposes. We had to reload the bus to get ready to be back on the road. We had breakfast and short time of fellowship before heading to the church for a 10:00 A.M. special service. When we arrived the villagers weren't quite ready for us so we went into the house nearby and took family pictures. We also sang for nearly a half-hour so the pastor could record our songs on tape. We then went down to the church where the workers had set planks on blocks for seats. The service began and the pastor and two other leaders spoke words of thanks and good will to all of us. They wished us a safe journey home with no bus problems. The women from each home in the church came bearing gifts for us to take home in memory of them. After presenting the gifts, they asked that we distribute the gifts among ourselves much in the same manner they did with the clothing we had brought them.

The pastor announced that the young people of the church also had some gifts to present before we had lunch. As their gifts weren't quite ready, we spent some time taking some Polaroid pictures to give to the villagers. This was quite a treat for them as most of them had never had a picture of their family. The youth group then called each of us up front and pinned a cute red velvet heart name tag on us. We then had a nice lunch which they had prepared.

It was nearly 2:00 when we finished lunch and Charles reminded us it was time to depart. We quickly took some more Polaroid pictures of families until we ran out of film then our group and all the villagers walked up the hill to the bus. We held hands and sang "Blessed be the Tie" before boarding the bus. We said goodbye, hugging each other and shedding a few tears and then it was time to leave.

Off we went down the road to Mexico City. We made a quick stop to fill the LP tank and the pickup truck went into the market at Atlacamulco to buy sugar. We had planned to meet at the gas company before heading on to Mexico City. We also had some of the brothers from La Conceptione with us and we dropped them off at their corner. They would have to wait there for the pickup truck to get their belongings. It was nearly 4:30 and we had been waiting for 1.5 hours. We were getting a little worried about the pickup truck so we headed back for Atlacamulco to see what happened. The brothers were still waiting at the corner. One man had knitted a pair of wool gloves while he waited. We picked them up and headed back into town and we met them coming our way about 5 miles out of town. We turned around and continued on our way dropping the brothers off at their corner. We then found out why the pickup truck was so late. It seemed the market didn't open until 4:00 so they sat and waited for it to open and then they had problems with the vendor. Well it was nearly 5:15 by this time and we needed to make tracks for Mexico City.
Wouldn't you know, we got on the wrong road out of Toluca as the truck was leading and looking for a place to eat. We thought it would be nice to eat out tonight. Well, we finally got back on the right track and we had a long haul through the mountains to Mexico City. We hit the mountain pass at night and the lights of Mexico City could be seen as we crossed the mountain. I was really impressed! I had never seen a city of this size before and this was the largest city in the world. You could see lights as far as you could see in all directions. We got separated from the pickup somehow and we weren't sure where they were at. We pulled into Mexico City and headed for the Seminary to meet Dan R. We missed our turn-off because we were in the wrong lane so we were somewhat lost and had to stop and ask for directions.

We finally found the University, but were not sure where to go from there to reach the Seminary. Nancy and Merle went to see if they could reach Dan by telephone. About 45 minutes later, Dan came walking up and greeted us. Nancy had gotten through to him and he figured out where we were by the directions she gave him. We waited about a half an hour for Nancy and Merle to return as they had waited at another bus station where they thought Dan was going to meet them. Dan led the way to the Seminary where the pickup was waiting. Bill, who had left that morning to visit a friend in Pachuca, was also there. After digging our overnight bags and pillows out, we went in search of our rooms. A few of us decided to go out and eat as we had not had supper yet and it was nearing 10:30 P.M. We went up the street looking for a restaurant named "Vips." We never did find this particular place, but finally settled for "Shiley's." It was a very nice place and we had a great meal. We then headed back to the dormitory rooms, took a shower and retired for the night.