As usual, we went to the bus for breakfast this morning. We arrived at the work site prepared to do more wiring and lifting the steel trusses up in place. The foreman wanted us to get the heavy steel trusses up on top; he wanted to take advantage of our manpower while he could. We then put the remaining trusses across the center of the church.

We had our daily circle up time about 10:30 AM and the village people told they would have lunch prepared for us the next two remaining days here. Bob J and I wired the center column for overhead lights with what we had left. Merle had gone to town to buy more green wire and a breaker box. Bob and I had run out of green wire about 25 feet from the last junction box. When Merle returned, we could finish the job. Merle could only get yellow wire as the place had depleted their supply of green wire. He had the breaker box, but couldn't get the breakers until late in the afternoon. Merle and I had to put one more wire across for the wall socket at the base of this beam. We finished just in time for dinner. Dinner consisted of chicken, rice, vegetables, beef, tortillas, moley and pop. It was very good, just the right amount of spices. The moley is a very hot sauce that you put on your food to suite your taste, something like Tabasco sauce, but the moley is grey and had a grainy consistency.

After dinner, we returned to work. We had chipped a groove in the block down the wall to contain the plastic conduit to the wall sockets and the breaker box. We put up the Last truss across the middle of the church later that afternoon. This proved to be good as we were able to finish the wiring so the forms could all be put in place in order to pour the roof support beams.

About 4:00, Mary and Loretta brought out a piņata for their bible school class. It was a huge yellow dog that they had bought in Atlacomulco when we had shopped there. We hung the piņata on a rope between the church and the house across the lot. A man stood at each end of the rope to pull the piņata up and down as the children took swings at it. Each child was given a chance starting with the smallest. As they reached the older children, they blindfolded them. Finally, one of the older girls got a good hit which separated the head from the body. The body was just hanging by shreds of newspaper. Mary told me to come over and try to finish it off. So they blindfolded me and I guess I hit it about three times, but it wouldn't come down. They told me to go up on the roof while Bob O gave it a try. He finally finished it off and the children just went wild. It looked like a football game as they dove into the spot where the body had fallen.
We went back to the bus for supper and spent some time in fellowship. The villagers told us we were not to work tomorrow as we were to have a celebration and special meal. Tomorrow is to our last day in this village. We had a group meeting and decided we should try and leave San Lorenzo by 2:00 P.M. tomorrow. We went home to spend our last night with our host family. I packed my duffle bag so I wouldn't have to mess with it in the morning.