We worked at the church site this morning putting in more electrical works and also a few forms. We only worked until 1:00 P.M. as we had made plans to go to Toluca shopping. I had a shower after work that I really needed. After dinner we cranked up the bus, hoping it was fixed and ready for travel once again. When we left I fell right asleep and slept for perhaps an hour. When I awoke I found that we were on the outskirts of Toluca. We had been stopped by a police officer for throwing oil up on his windshield. The bus was spewing diesel fuel out of the back. They checked the oil and found out the crankcase was full of diesel fuel instead of oil. It was about 3 gallons over full. A few men went into town to find a mechanic. The police officer finally left after lecturing us about spilling diesel on the highway. He was looking for payola, but didn't succeed.

The mechanic finally arrived and started checking things out. Charles decided to change the oil and see what was happening from there. We were going to drive to the mechanic's shop to get the bus repaired. They could not start the bus, but the mechanic finally located the problem. A fuel line going to the fuel injector had been installed too close to a rocker arm and it had worn a hole in it which accounted for our gaining oil. Finally the fuel line broke, causing the crankcase to fill with diesel. They couldn't find the part as it was getting late so they mashed the tube shut and let the engine run on five cylinders. We stopped at a gas station and decided to go home and go shopping in Atlacomulco in the morning.
We went right straight home as it was late and we had eaten on the bus. I had gotten sick just as we arrived at the edge of Toluca and was feeling pretty miserable by the time we got home. The sleeping bag really felt good tonight!