Just as I expected, we found Bob B's camera on the bus. We ate breakfast and after announcements and the Un-game, we went off to the work site. We set about taking the forms off the concrete we had poured yesterday. We then started putting the forms above the windows to prepare to pour the brace beam along the side wall of the church.

Later that morning, we again had circle-up time and refreshments. Devotions were held and we enjoyed a few songs. When we returned to work, we put up the last form above a window. We then carried the steel reinforcement beam up on top the wall. When we were doing this, a piece of the wire holding the rods together caught me about the wrist, cutting it pretty good. I finished putting the steel up with blood running down my hand. I went to the bus after the beam was up and cleaned out the wound. When I returned to the work site, the workers were putting up a beam across the middle of the church. Later we put the plastic conduit and junction boxes in the steel reinforcing rod and nailed them to the form. We decided to string the wire through the conduit as best as we could and finished the rest of the day wiring.

After work, we went to the bus for supper and later everyone came home with us seven men who were making our home in the country. We popped corn and shared in good fellowship. Everyone took pictures and we all had a very good time. After everyone had left, the seven of us and our host family built a fire and enjoyed some good fellowship. All of us had wanted to know the family's names and which family they belonged to so we went around the campfire and told our names. As we told our names, they wanted to know what the name would be in Spanish. None of us could tell them and really didn't think there was a Spanish translation for some of our names. A lot of their names were taken from the Bible.

We finally got very tired so decided to call it a day. Before we turned in, Elisa, the granddaughter of the people we were staying with, gave Bill B a neck scarf she had made. Everyone was quite impressed. She presented me with a serape that she had also made. Bill and I both just didn't know what to say. I just never expected anything like this to happen, it was a "first" for me. I didn't quite understand the reason she only gave Bill and I the presents and not the others. They told me the serape was for me to give to my sister. Timoteo, Elisa's uncle, put the serape on me and said something in Spanish. They translated it and told me that he had said the serape was for his fiancée, my sister! I still don't quite understand it, but everyone had a good laugh over it. Bill and I thanked Elisa for her generosity and we went to our room.

Earlier, I had noticed that part of a beautiful cup collection that was on the wall in our room was missing. In inquired about it and the other girl told us she had given them away to our friends tonight. She also wanted us to have one too. She gave each of us two cups which none of us could hardly believe. We asked that she keep the cups for herself, but she insisted diligently. We discussed this among ourselves and wondered what we would do in a situation like this and if we would be so generous to people who were guests in our own homes. This was the best lesson in generosity we had ever seen and we went to bed that night still filled with disbelief.