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The Square Nail   (February 5, 2009 6:01 AM)

I was looking for a journal I kept about my trip to Mexico and came across some old school papers my Mom had saved and given to me a number of years back. I found this story that I wrote on Sept. 1, 1972 and thought I would share it here.

The Square Nail
My object is not a spool its a square nail. Once my mom was out picking apples and she found a square nail in a apple she had picked. Right away she took the nail out of the apple. She knew that the nail meant good luck. That same night my mother was cleaning the rust off the nail, and heard on the radio that the king of Asia ofered his kingdom to any man or woman who could get to him the square nail with the ingravings - J. L. C. B. on it.

Right away she look at the nail and there they were the letters - J. L. C. B. on it. The next day we hurried to Asia, and the when we got there the king turned over his kingdom to us, and died. The king wanted to die with the nail in his hands. Why? because his mother did the same. The End

I was 11 years old when I wrote this story for a 6th grade school assignment. I don't even remember writing this story, but I do remember seeing lots of square nails around that time in my life. We lived in a really old house and much of it was put together with square nails and when we were remodeling it we pulled them out of the old boards and kept a few. If you have never seen them before, here is your chance..

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