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Jesus Loves.. Me?   (January 10, 2009 11:11 AM)

Salvation I remember one day when my son Daniel was making his voice sound funny by tapping on his throat while he was talking.   I don't know what made me think to do it, but I grabbed the microphone on my computer and recorded him doing it.   Later I got the idea to put the song "Jesus Loves Me" to rap and use his funny voice for part of it.

Sometimes you have to wonder what you're thinking when you do something like that, but the outcome was sort of neat, and a few years later I was able to use it in a lesson with a group of young people, and now here it is in my blog.   I have believed since I was a small child that Jesus loves me, even though at times in my life I struggled to understand why.

As a man it isn't easy to understand how someone would make such a great sacrifice for us.   Yet, even though I don't always understand, I still believe that he loved me enough to die in my place so that I can spend eternity in heaven.   If you are interested in finding out more about God's love for you and the gift of eternal life, just click on the photo in this post.

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