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Where Do I Start   (January 9, 2009 9:20 PM)

Space Capsule Welcome to my blog. I'm not sure who is going to stop by and view the things I post here, or what I am going to talk about, but I decided it was time to get started and see where it leads. I was thinking about what a blog is like and a diary came to mind. Even though a diary is typically kept private and only viewed by others after the writer is gone, and a blog is normally open for the world to see while the writer is still here, they seem to serve a similar purpose. The writer is able to record their thoughts where others can catch a glimpse of what they want to share.

While I have never been one to write in a diary, I commute about 30 minutes each way to and from work and often find myself thinking about things that are going on in my little corner of the world and wonder if others are thinking the same things. I figured this blog might give me a place to bounce some of those thoughts off others who might read what I have to say.

In future posts I hope to share a few thoughts and other things of interest to me and see what readers think about those thoughts through any comments they might leave. I hope that you find the topics I explore interesting and please feel free to post your comments. While I may not post all the comments I get, I will read them. Hey, its my blog so I get to make the rules... Happy reading.

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