We arose at 7:00 A.M. again this morning and after cleaning up we headed into the bus and picked up the rest of the group who were staying in the village. After breakfast, we went to the church site to find that the village workers had not yet arrived. This gave us a chance to sit and visit before we had to begin the day’s work. When the village workers arrived, we again started cutting and forming steel. Later that morning, we began cutting larger steel with a hack saw.

We went back to the bus for lunch and decided that we would try to get a shower that afternoon because our plans included a trip to La Conceptione that evening for church services. A few of the village men showed us the way to a swimming hole which would take the place of “our shower.” When we arrived, we found some of the village women already there washing clothes.

We waited a few minutes for them to finish and then went swimming. The water was very refreshing and everyone felt much better after our bath. We then went back to the bus for our evening meal.

With Dan Rodrigez leading the way, we then traveled to the town of La Conceptione for the evening church services. The church there is the mother church to the one in San Lorenzo plus five other surrounding village churches and is pretty good sized. The church is some 20 years old and is self-supportive. The church had beautiful, hand crafted pews. The church service started at 6:30 P.M. and lasted until 10:30 P.M. Their service consisted of a lot of singing and they really enjoyed themselves. There were two different guitar trios plus a group of 15 mandolin and guitar players. At their request, our group sang for the congregation. The people stood up for every prayer and every song which was a different tradition for us. Needless to say, we sure got our exercise that evening. We didn’t get home until midnight and hopped right into our sleeping bags. We knew we were to get up at 5:00 A.M. to travel to Mina Vieja for a celebration along with a church service. Our plans were to rent a public bus as our bus was undergoing repair.