Early in the morning, we started for Galeana for a day of relaxation and a shower. We were also to drop Mary's belongings off and repack the bus so we wouldn't have to take the trailer all the way to our destination. About 20 minutes from Galeana, while going up a winding mountain road, Merle noticed that the oil pressure was low. We had been driving through the mountains for quite some time and had not seen a safe place for the bus to stop. And now, just as we really needed to get off the road, we spotted a place along the road big enough for the bus to park. Merle got the bus parked and shut off just before the oil drained out. If this hadn't happened at this time we just might have been without an engine! Charles and Merle checked out the problem (once again) which now seemed to be part of their daily routine.

This latest happening was a little more serious in comparison to the other problems we had experienced thus far. We at least, had a place to park the bus, but knew it might be very difficult in locating a diesel mechanic who had the necessary tools to repair the engine. After a brief investigation, it was obvious that we had hit a rock which had put a rather large hole in the oil pan. Fortunately, we had not punctured the large pan which the small pan is mounted on. Fred caught a ride into Galeana with two teachers in hopes he could find someone to assist us. Meanwhile, Charles and Merle planned to remove the oil pan and check out any other damage that may have occurred. The rest of the group decided to stretch their legs and at the same time take some pictures of the beautiful mountains that seemed to totally surround us. Shortly Charles and Merle finished their work and crawled back on the dry bus. Shortly after we had pulled off the road, it had started raining, not heavy, but just enough to make things messy and a little miserable. About 45 minutes had passed since Fred had left and Charles began to get a little uneasy. He wasn't sure how Fred was going to find Mary's house once he made it to Galeana. It seems the teachers were not going as far as Galeana, but just to a small village this side of it. Charles decided to hitch a ride, taking the part that needed repaired with him. About 20 minutes later we spotted Judy's car and we assumed that Carlos was driving the pickup truck that followed. Bill, who had spent the previous night in Galeana, was driving the station wagon and Judy was with him. Carlos was indeed driving his pickup and this was the first time many of us had met him. After our initial greetings, we discussed what we were going to do about our present situation. Bill told us that they had met Charles a few miles back and that he and the mechanic had gone back into town to fix the oil pan. Meanwhile, the cooks were fixing pancakes for our lunch. Some of the people didn't want to wait for dinner so they just went out to the car.

During the time we waited for Charles to return, those of us who chose to stay and help completed some minor repair work that needed to be done. I had dug out my rain gear so I pulled things from the trailer that was needed in the kitchen. I also rounded up all the shoes that didn’t belong to the passengers and put these back in the trailer. Harold and Merle oiled the latches for the windows and put them in good working order. They then took the driver’s seat apart in an effort to tighten it up as it seemed a little on the wobbly side. Charles returned with the fixed part about an hour later. Merle put the part back on and Charles and I filled the crankcase with oil. Carlos and Judy had come back with Charles in the truck. Soon, we were on the road again. It was rather tricky getting the bus into town as the streets were very narrow. The men all helped to unload the trailer and unhook it from the bus and put it over at Mary’s house where we were to leave it. The bus was to be completely unloaded so that we could sort out the items that were not going any further than Galeana. The streets were all muddy from all the rain they had that day and this hampered the work we had yet to accomplish. We still needed to sort the items that would be left behind and what would go with us. Charles wanted to have this completed before morning so we could get an early start. After this was done, it was rather late and supper was ready. The group shared in a time of devotions and fellowship. Those of us who hadn’t had a chance to shower, did so at this time. The group was split into three groups for sleeping arrangements; two groups of women were to sleep at the homes of Mary and Judy, the men to sleep on the bus. Finally, off to bed!